Welcome to Spirulina Planet, your ultimate supplier of raw spirulina products.

Our Spirulina is sun-dried in the the hot and glowing Indian tropical heat which imbues it with its special energy and wonderful taste.

The Powder is unheated. It’s completely untouched by industrial energy, simply harvested by hand, sun-dried and then eaten by you.

The Crunchy is a unique edible type of spirulina. It’s a heavenly variation on the traditional powder. Eat as a snack, sprinkle on your cereals, add into your salad. You won’t be disappointed.

The Amla and Spirulina capsules are also a unique product. Amla is high in vitamin C, adding a great boost to the already fantastic health benefits of spirulina. (not available in Aus)

Our supplier has finished building his new spirulina farm to make sure that he can cover the high demand for this quality product. He’s also in the process of applying for a ‘Fair Trade’ label issued by IFAT, one of the two internationally recognised organizations that specifically seek to work in partnership with marginalised and disadvantaged groups to try and help them overcome the serious barriers they face.

Our spirulina is artisan produced – it’s a small scale, personal production.

Have a look around the site and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions.